The impact of kind
You didn’t see it, but:
- the man you let out in front of you in traffic got home just in time to put his son to bed. Because you were kind.
- the woman struggling for change at the parking meter when you gave her your ticket was on the verge of tears. Your kindness made her smile.
- the lady next door feels safer at night because you wave and say hello every day and ask if she’s ok. She knows she has someone close by to call on.
- the lad on the street has more faith in adults because you stopped and bought him a bacon sandwich and a drink. He might phone home.
- the girl sat on the bench on her own felt she had no one until you smiled and said hello and asked if she was ok. She didn’t tell you the truth. She said she was fine but actually she’s been struggling and no one seemed to notice. But you did. You asked. She went home and told her parents.
- the mum of three pushing her baby round the supermarket with two screaming children under four was at her wits end. You offering to carry a shopping bag and chatting to the kids gave her a much needed moment of calm so that she could plan the next stage of her afternoon.
- The text you sent to a friend came just at the right moment. You didn’t know it but they were very low. Your message reminded them that someone cares.
- your random act of kindness led to three others completing random acts of kindness and more and more until the positive ramifications of your actions were so far reaching you probably will never comprehend the scale of the good that you have initiated.
The smallest ripple can create a tidal wave of change. The littlest positive voice can have the loudest, furthest reaching echo. Your actions can and do change the world.
Making them kind means you’re changing it for the better!
So, whether you see the impact of your kindness or not, do not doubt that the positivity and love that you give to others radiates, magnifies and grow exponentially.
Kindness first, last, always.
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