The Healthy Kind

There are lots of social and moral reasons to spread kindness but how about a few selfish, hedonistic ones?

Kindness actually triggers the release of hormones and chemicals (oxytocin, dopamine, seratonin, endogenous opioids) giving you a “Helpers High”.

Kindness builds connections which make us feel like part of a tribe or unit. This adds a sense of purpose to our lives and helps relieve existential stress or anxiety.

Kindness gets you active. Even if it is the extra walk from your room to that of a colleagues. Kindness can promote movement and help us take steps we might not otherwise have taken.

It gets you out of your own head!! The act of thinking about someone else, provoking a positive reaction in another person, helps you to be less self absorbed and therefore a little more mindful.

The gratitude of others is contagious and gratitude has been linked to improved sleep patterns, increased energy levels and heightened activity in the hypothalamus which is linked to improved metabolism and reduced stress levels.

The dopamine kick provided also means that kindness and gratitude are habit forming. If you’re going to have an addiction why not make it the most positive one out there!


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