Happy Talk

It is no wonder that, even as adults, we have learned the art of negative talk. Our media bombards us with constant shock, panic and despair. The body’s natural instincts are on perpetual high alert. 

The adrenaline kick from the “flight or fight” reaction can be addictive, prompting us to seek out more drama of the same variety and flavour. Spread it. Replicate. 

This is exactly how codependency is formed and it must be unlearned. We do not require such high doses of fear and despondency in our lives. I have no doubt that our emotions and reactions are being manipulated. Some might even say the effects are “divisive”. “Divide and Conquer”. It is easier to catch the weakest of the herd if they are separated. But even without conspiracy theories, negativity might make for larger readership figures but it does not build strong, healthy mindsets. 

Perhaps we need a new narrative? Positive press? Not optimistic propaganda. Merely some highlighting of the marvels and wonders that exist in the world. Some gratitude maybe? 

We can do our own small bit here, right now by sharing the positive and seeking the good. Instead of complaint look for compliment (it’s only a matter of changing a few letters!). Stop and find gratitude for small and large things. 

Tell someone they make you happy. Express your affection, gratitude and positivity.
Tell people of your experiences of kindness and positivity. The feel good boost is different from that of fear and conflict but the resonance and warmth of retelling will stay with you. 

Make most of your talk happy talk. Pass the positivity on. 


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