Being kind in a crisis
I will be honest. My temper has flared slightly during the oppressive anxiety storm surrounding Coronavirus. I have felt tautly on edge.
Until I realised that this helped no one. Not me. Not others.
I decided to look at my options;
A/ I could focus entirely on me. No one would blame me in the current situation. Hide away from the world and pretend it wasn’t happening.
B/ I could panic, indulge the click bate, stock-pile shop and generally add to the chaos
C/ take practical measure to make sur I was ok but also that others were ok too!
I did a bit of A & B before quickly reaching C.
“Coronavirus: What can I do to help?” That was my google search. It came up with some truly common sense advice like “wash your hands”. Well, ok then but seriously HOW CAN I HELP?
I eventually found a page suggesting volunteering, delivering survival packages to those self isolating, setting up digital communications for the elderly who might be lonely once the over 70 isolation kicks in.
Not for the first time I imagined a world where EVERYONE thought about someone else as well as themselves. I thought about the incredible difference we could make if every able person assisted as much as they could. If every wealthy person gave just a little to support those on the brink of poverty because of a gig economy.
Then I read yet more stories of people stealing surgical masks and hand sanitiser from doctors and hospitals. I flicked through pictures showing supermarket shelves picked bare like a vulture’s carrion... and my heart fell. Where was the kindness? Where were the helpers? This selfish, thoughtless attitude made me dispair of humanity......
Only to come full circle whilst listening to news clips about our truly fantastic front line services! The incredible nurses, doctors, ambulance drivers, police and teachers who are keeping the country together. They are DESPERATELY underfunded after decades of austerity measures and cuts but are STILL providing FREE care!! These are the heroes!! These are the kindness warriors!! These are the people that I look to and celebrate!!
It’s time to decide what kind of person you are.
Who will be there to be kind to you when you need it most?
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