Kindness at your core

Of course I am unkind sometimes!! I would be inhuman if I didn’t experience flashes of resentment, anger, frustration, envy and other negative emotions.

In many ways I am “lucky” though, in that my ability to project kindness outwards is greater because often I turn many negative emotions inwards.

The negative aspects of this are huge. At my core I am kind but in being unpleasant to myself I am reinforcing a behaviour pattern that I do not like.

So what can I do? Firstly.....

Kindness does not mean allowing others to do as they please all the time. You can have boundaries, hold others accountable and still do it kindly. Get your boundaries in place and be kind but firm.


Start with you. Treat yourself as an un nurtured bird. Your wings are weakened from lack of sustenance and your throat is sore from singing for the pleasure of others. Use your voice to say good things about yourself. This is not egotism or narcissistic. It is fairness. You are not deserving of unkindness. You are fully deserving of kindness. M


Place kindness at the heart of all you do and say. I don’t mean rush about maniacally trying to please everyone. But try not to set out with unpleasant motives. Try not to let scorn, unkindness or retribution motivated you.


Pay it forward. Kindness is a world changer. Whenever you experience it be sure to pass it on! You may even wish to double down on its value.

Remind others to be kind, model kindness. We are all able to be kind!


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