World Kindness Day
Happy world kindness day! I awoke this morning after experiencing one act of unkindness and then hundreds of acts of loveliness in response last night. I’m sat in my new bed, which my brother kindly helped me put together, in my newly decorated bedroom, which my friend Sam kindly helped me paint, propped up by silk pillows, which my friend Abi donated to my DIY cause. If I were to move around my house I would see the kindness of others everywhere. It is ingrained in these four walls. It is on my phone via messages and on social media and in voicemails from my mum! It is outside my door in my neighbours who have supported me to move back home after a difficult experience. Sometimes it is hard to see or feel this beautiful effect. We become obsessed by the obvious things like hurt, anger, stress or despondency and forget to look just one layer deeper to the ever-present kindness that envelops us.
Yes, there are unworthy, unkind people in the world. I cannot lie. There are some who are motivated purely by their own gain but this world kindness day try and do a few things:
- thank those who are consistently kind
- be kind even in the face of unkindness
- look for the hidden layers of kindness everywhere and pay that stuff forward!!!
Keep smiling my friends 
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