Kindness as a profession ( and professional kindness)

Wait! Are those two different? 

I think so. Some make their career from being kind. Others show kindness in a multitude of professions. 

A kindness vocation can be as simple as the amazing @kindnesscoach or working for someone like RandomActs. It can also be working in a giving/caring role. 

Teachers are kindness ambassadors. They literally fuel the kindness that is about to ignite the world. The kindness they demonstrate, model & teach is often the first such that some children see in their lives. 

Much as kindness grows and multiplies when shared, unkindness can become a multi-generational vicious circle. 

It is hard to be kind or even accept kindness when it is totally alien to you. 

Teachers have the incredible role of introducing young people to their potential for kindness and they also get to have the immense gift of giving these fledgling “kind people” their first & most consistent dose of kindness. Wow. What an opportunity! 

Teachers can LITERALLY increase kindness in the world incrementally each day!!! HEROES!!! 

Other Kindness vocations include care work, health and medicine and therapeutic work to name just a few. 

My role allows me to see first hand the impact that an absence of kindness can have on a young life. 

Young people who feel they have no one who speaks for them, defends them or even listens and understands. I get the immense privilege of offering myself up as that person, even if it sometimes comes far too late. 

I get to watch in wonder as a young life unfurls and blossoms under the warmth of the kindnesses shown by myself and colleagues. It is the same wondrous feeling as witnessing a birth or seeing the beauty of a garden reaching full display. 

Sometimes kindness needs to be unfalteringly persistent as it attempts to permeate the brutal, inaccessible barriers of trauma and hurt. It can feel like pouring energy and light into a deep dark hole and wondering if it will ever fill or simply be lost forever. 

But continuously pouring kindness is our job. Our calling. And so we relentlessly empty and replenish, empty and replenish, empty and replenish our own reserves of kindness. 

If you have ever wondered if your kindness calling is “worth” it, just take a moment to see the reactions of young people around the world right now to the current conflict in the Ukraine. 

Love. Unbounded, generously given kindness. Instilled by people like US!! By YOU!!

Thank you. You are increasing the value of the most amazing currency on the planet. 

Well done for #KeepingItKind 


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