Keeping it kind

It is at these times that I have always been taught to “look for the helpers”. When life is truly challenging it brings out the real and varied nature of humans. Our responses are instinctive. They reflect our true selves. I have seen some appalling behaviour from our species over the past few weeks. People stealing, shoving, fighting, behaving recklessly and inconsiderately. There have been unkind acts and unkind words. But facing this down has been a tidal wave of goodness. Of people doing the right thing. People choosing to behave with kindness. It has been a great thing to witness. My neighbourhood has started a Bear Hunt. When the younger children head out for a short circuit of the cup de sac for exercise and sunshine they can try and spot all the Bears that have been placed around people’s houses: in windows, on porches, up trees! They change location daily! Our parish has created a vulnerable list and people have vol...