Fighting the unkind
It is so very hard not to imitate. So very hard not to resort to the easy path of retaliation. I’m guilty of this. I’m guilty of not being patient, not being kind. Maybe it is because we all have spiteful, hateful words inside us. Some of us choose to use our other vocabulary instead most of the time but occasionally our guard slips and out pours our own anger and scorn.
I apologise to those who look to me for constant kindness. This week I have failed. I have watched loved ones laid to rest. I have comforted broken, devastated family. I have faced my own mortality. I have expended energy in worry over those crucial people who are the very heart of my life.
I have liberally, purposefully poured kindness from me into the souls and hearts of those who needed it during this horrendous time.
But this means that, when it comes to smaller, less significant dealings, I do not have a bottomless well of kindness. I have enough to drop a few instigating stirrings of loveliness into situations and hope that they expand with the contributions of others.
It is exhausting, deflating and incredibly infuriating when these precious last offerings are tainted.
Yesterday I found myself riddled with anger, tears, panic and a feeling of intolerance that was unkind in its base instinct.
I did not live up to my own expectations.
But that’s ok. Kindness has to start with self!
It is so very important to recognise that most of us are KIND. I know that I am kind. I know that thousands of people who follow mr are kind. I know that everyone has the capacity to be kind.
I know that those who aren’t kind will have reasons for who they are.
I shall top myself up and continue to do this the right way.
A few days of muting, blocking and unfollowing is needed for headspace. I will not throw blame around further. Instead I will use the little drops of goodness that I have left and plant and water them and enjoy reeping the benefits.
The moral here? Keep your own kindness topped up. Never get to total emptiness!
Now my lovelies.... be the light. Go spread kindness for me! I need your contributions right now!
All my love and kindness xxx
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