Belief in Kindness

Have you ever lost yourself? Been uncertain of who or why you are? I have. It is terrifying. You allow yourself to be pulled and pushed by the tides of life, directionless and drowning. You don’t know if you will ever know yourself again. Maybe your feet will never stand solidly on anything? Teaching is an investment. There should be a donor card when you qualify that lets you know that you are sacrificing heart and soul to the profession. The more you teach, the more you accumulatively give. If you are naturally a generous person without reinforced boundaries then, like an insatiable animal, teaching will take everything. You assimilate. No longer are you The Sportsman, The Musician, The Actress, The Artist, The Best friend, The Clown. Now you are The Teacher. Part of a hive of other teachers all emotionally attached to the profession. This sounds horrific but it’s actually comforting, habitual and consuming. You belong. You have purpose. You have a clear sense of w...