The Being in wellbeing

Do you ever feel like nothing you do is quite enough? Like you try but never quite live up to your own expectations or the expectations of others? Like just “being” is a challenge? With more and more people being honest and open about imposter syndrome and mental health at the moment it feels like an ideal time to say this: If so many people feel this way then the problem is unlikely to be with them. Six months ago I walked away from an “opportunity”. If I’m honest I still berate myself for doing so even though I know it wasn’t MY opportunity. It wasn’t right for me. But the expectation of society is that we MAKE things work. I didn’t. I couldn’t. I was emotionally and compassionately fatigued. Something had to change and, despite two decades of trying, I realised it wasn’t going to be me. I felt my world start to slide and spin. The substance beneath me shift and crumble. If I wasn’t a teacher then who was I? Fifteen years of identifying as “Miss”. I felt lost, frig...