Resist the unkind reaction

I am a lemons into lemonade girl (or just stick them in a large Gin!). A cup half full, life is for living lady. Most of the time my instinctive response is kindness. I have practiced enough that it is almost unconscious. That is not to say I don’t have mean moments. I can be awfully unkind. This usually occurs when I feel life, or some person, has been unkind to me. I react with less patience, less empathy and compassion and less thought. When we are tired and stressed, when a feeling of unfairness pervades our mindset it is difficult to find the optimism and breathing space for kindness. Not least towards ourselves. This is entirely, justifiably human. No one can be Mary Poppins all the time! Not without people frequently inserting that umbrella where the sun doesn’t shine! We are bound to have moments where we are unkind. I strive only for this; - try to resist the unkind. Do not be drawn by the unkindness of others. Wherever possible be the balm and understanding that is ne...